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DC3 Library Offers ACT Preparation Resources

Published March 10, 2021

The Dodge City Community College (DC3) Library now offers American College Testing (ACT) preparation courses on Launchpad tablet devices to anyone in the Dodge City area.

The ACT test, which is a standardized exam used for college admissions in the United States, was first introduced in 1959.

“We provide the ACT Launchpad resources to anyone in the community,” Holly Mercer, DC3 Library Director, said. “We have three ACT Launchpads that people can check out. They are preloaded with learning modules and ACT practice, and they do not need internet connectivity.”

Lanchpad devices and cases displayed in the DC3 Library

In addition, Mercer said that individuals can sign up for a State Library of Kansas eCard at the DC3 Library by phone, email or in person. This eCard will give patrons additional access to free ACT tutorials and practice tests.

“Anyone in Kansas can get a State Library of Kansas eCard through a local public, school or academic library, which will give them access to databases and the Kansas State Library eBook and digital audiobook collections,” she said. “These are just some of the great resources available through our campus library.”

For more information about State of Kansas Library eCards, visit:

By Lance Ziesch
DC3 Media Specialist