The Ford County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) was launched in the spring of 1974. April is National Volunteer Month and this year Ford County RSVP has completed 30 years of service in Ford County and the surrounding area.
Dodge City Community College has been the sponsoring agency most of those years, providing support and guidance.
The purpose of our program is to engage persons 55 years of age and better in volunteer service roles, matching their skills and personal interests to help meet significant community needs. There are no educational, income, or other requirements for RSVP membership, nor are there any barriers relating to citizenship, race, sex, creed, or political affiliation. Some of our areas of service include providing reading tutors in our local schools to help address the community literacy need; delivering homebound seniors a hot delicious meals; acting as child advocates in the court system; providing transportation assistance; grocery shopping for homebound elderly and/or disabled; and assisting in community recycling efforts. RSVP matches the personal interest and skills of older Americans with opportunities to help solve community problems and offers supplemental insurance while on duty, pre-service orientation and on-the-job training from the service site. RSVP offers maximum flexibility and choice to its volunteers. The RSVP program provides recognition