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Dropping or Withdrawing From a Class

Dropping or Withdrawing, what’s the difference?


  • Completed BEFORE the 100% refund date (See the last day to drop or withdraw on pg. 2 of the Current Academic Calendar!)
  • Course refund provided to student account
  • The course will NOT be listed on your transcript
  • Does NOT affect GPA
  • CAN complete through your MYDC3 Student Portal


  • Completed AFTER 100% refund date (See the last day to drop or withdraw on pg. 2 of the Current Academic Calendar!)
  • No course refunds are provided
  • You are still responsible to pay for the course
  • The course WILL be listed on your transcript with a W as the grade
  • The W will NOT affect your GPA
  • Can NOT complete the Withdraw request online

How to drop a class

From your PHONE:

  1. Log into your MYDC3 student portal
  2. Click the three lines above the DCCC shield logo
  3. Click “Student”
  4. Scroll down until you find the Add/Drop section
  5. If you receive the message “BO – You are on Business Office Hold, please contact the Business Office” and cannot drop your course please call 620.227.9209 or email [email protected].
  6. If you receive a different hold message, follow the contact directions.
  7. Select the term for which you want to drop a course.
  8. Click the empty drop box beside the course you would like the drop
  9. Scroll down and click “Drop Courses” button.

From your COMPUTER:

  1. Log into your MYDC3 student portal
  2. Click “Student” under MYDC3
  3. Click “Add/Drop Courses” under grey heading “Course Search”
  4. If you receive the message “BO – You are on Business Office Hold, please contact the Business Office” and cannot drop your course please call 620.227.9209 or email [email protected].
  5. If you receive a different hold message, follow the contact directions.
  6. Select the term for which you want to drop a course.
  7. Click the empty drop box beside the course you would like the drop
  8. Scroll down and click “Drop Courses” button.

How to Withdraw From a Class

Pick up a Withdraw form in Student Services, complete and return to Records.