DC3 Library CatalogDC3 Library Website
How to Access DatabasesHow to Access eBooksLibguidesPaper Writing ResourcesInterlibrary Loan RequestsKansas State Library eCards
This presentation covers the basics of accessing general library databases for research projects in every subject and walks you through logging in to the library’s cataloging website.
This presentation covers the databases used primarily by our nursing program students. It also walks you through logging into the library’s cataloging website.
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Did you know that we offer e-books? We do! Do you want to know how that works? Check out this quick presentation!
Do you want to know how that works? Check out this quick presentation!
Agriculture | Allied Health | Art | Athletic Training | Biology | Building Construction Technology | Business and Accounting | Chemistry | Computer Science and Information Technology | Cosmetology | Criminal Justice/Police Science | Diesel Technology | Early Childhood Education | Education | English | Fire Science | Free Study Resources for All Subjects | Geology | History | Language | Mathematics | Music | Philosophy | Physics | Psychology | Recursos en Espanol | Sociology | Speech
Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases.
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Not only does having an eCard allow you free access to the many eBooks and audio books that the Kansas State Library has to offer, but it also allows you to access their online databases from anywhere. All you have to do is get an eCard of your own and use it to sign in! This is a helpful option for students who need to work on classes, but may not be able to get to campus to access the databases on our network. You can obtain one through any library within Kansas.
To acquire your own eCard, you can visit the front desk at the LRC and request one there (it’s quick and easy!), or you can email or call us to have one made for you. You will need to provide your first and last name, middle initial, an email, and your birthdate. A physical copy of your eCard will be made which you are welcome to pick up from the front desk. eCards expire and need to be renewed every 3 years, and we can always quickly renew them for you here, too.